Sunday, May 9, 2010

I was working one day in the meat dept@ IGA and Ethan pushes the swinging door open and screamed nana and poppie! I was big cheesing! there is nothing and I mean nothing better than when you are not expecting to see your grandkids and you turn around and there they are smiling at you. They showed up to take me to lunch at the park so I could play with Ethan. Man this was a great lunch. I didn't want to go back to work.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Well its almost crystal's graduation!YAY A day a mother always dreams of.But she just found out that she is having a baby,and the father of the baby doesn't know she is pregent. He is in college in North Carolina. She isn't sure how to handle all of this.She don't know how to call and let him know.So right now she is going to take care of herself first and worry about that later.
Today Crystl had a doctors appointment to check of the baby, not good her fluid is low and they put her in the hospital. Anyways the of the baby heard she was in the hospital and can home and guess what, SURPRIZE!! They had a good long talk and worked everything out. JR decided to stay home and get a job close to crystal to take care of her and the baby.Next week we go find out the sex of the baby.
ITS A BOY!! we never had a boy in my family, all I had is girls, So we all are so excited.ETHAN DOLPHUS ASHDOWN
The next time she went to Dr. jackson to check on ethan the fluid was low again so they had to indouce labor, SO we are having a baby. Its July 29, 2008 @ 12:17pm 6lbs. 7oz.They let me be in the delivery room. And I got to cut the cord again...
Three grandbabies three deliveryrooms, three cords. God couldn't be any better for me.I have two beautiful grand daughters, one handsome grandson.World I got a grandson, Life is prefect.
Well prefect can't last forever, Crystal decided to move in with JR. Its not that I don;t like JR. Its that she is moving in with his mother.This makes me feel like I'm not good enough any more. I know its not true. But thats how I feel.I would feel better if they were moving in their own home.Three people in a small bedroom this can't be good. All I can do is be there I guess.
Well its feburary and Katelyn will be here soon. I can't wait. Tiffany and John are going to let me in the delivery room again. Life is good! But time is dragging by, and Tiffany is feeling terrible.
ITS TIME!! Katelyn Marie Farley is here, She was born @ 3:59 pm and weighed 6lbs. 13oz. Yes I was in the delivery room and cut the cord. And she is prefect. I think she looks like candi. they let me hold her first, but i had to carry her to her mother. but I was first! YAY. After a couple of days they will lets my girls come home, John has to work so I will be bringing my babies home. Tiffany and John live in a small apartment with two babies. their lifes are fixing to get very busy.
Back to Madison she still hasn't walk to me and she has walked to Candi like ten times. She keeps rubbing it my face. Why won't she walk to me. Doesn't she know its killing me, i'm nana!!
I forgot to tell you about madison's first word, Iwas working at the liquior store in shellmans bluff and I took her to work with me because Katelyn had a doctors appt. and she was in her walker and she looked at m,e and said "poop" and at that moment she POOP everywhere, it went all over the liquior bottles walls floor, it took my hours to clean all those bottles, I keep thinking about all those people who bought that liquior with shit on it. LOL
Madison loves sitting in candi's lap listening to music with headphones. Katie bug loves crying all the time. But when she comes over to visit her face lights up so bright, i love it. she has georous eyes. she is crawling everywhere.
HOLY CRAP!!! Katelyn just walked to Candi what the hell. As of this moment Candi is died to me. What does she have that I don't? She is invisible to me.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

First i want to tell you about my chrildren, Tiffany, Crystal, Courtney & Candice. They are four amazing girls. Well manored all still in school, none of them on drugs. God thank you for that.
Now lets start, Febuary 28, its TIffany's 20 birthday. And to make a long story short, Tiffany and john started a family. So John and Tiffany moved into their own appartment. My first daughter moved out, she has her own little family now. how cute.
Well its about two o'clock on November 28, 2006 Tiffany went in to labor, my body went into shock. my baby having a baby. i got to be in the delivery room, and i cut the cord.Man Iwas on top of the world. They let them come home a couple of days later. I wanted to go over there so badly,but I wanted to give them space. IT was kiling me.
TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT!!!!!! Madison gets to spend the night with me, i will get some Nana and maddie time. If i can get her from Crystal, Courtney, &Candi's arms. they was really being a hog. But no one wanted to change the dirty diapers so i had that time. I will take that for now. She was so tiny. I love watching her sleep in between Me and Popa. She is my world.
Holy crap we have decided to move further away from Madison, how was I going to live. But live has a way of working out. John got a job in shellmans bluff where we moved. That way Tiffany and Madison could stay at my house all day and go home at night. well you think thats how oit would work, but madison liked staying with me more than going home. "I,'m grinning' she loves sleeping at Nana's. What can i say. she loves me.!!!!
Guess what? Its August and Tiffany and John are having another baby. life couldn't be better. I always wanted a bigger family. When I was little, i always dreamed of having a large family.
Well Tiffany is really pregant and she is sleeping all the time. and you will never guess what happened, MADISON took her first steps to candi!! \Can you beleive it. I'm very upset. why candi? why not me? well maybe the new baby will walk to me.
ITS A GIRL!!!! KATELYN MARIE FARLEY That sounds so pretty.